Digital Dairy Chain


The Digital Dairy Chain’s Innovation Brokers are here to work alongside any business involved in the dairy supply chain.

Finding Solutions

Innovation Brokers are here to work alongside any business involved in the dairy supply chain; from farmer, to processor, cheesemaker, ice-cream maker, to haulier. To understand your challenges and to help you find or develop the right solutions.

This may be in the area of, for example:

Carbon Emissions
New Products / Processes / Services & New Markets
New technology to help detect, measure and monitor data that is critical in day to day operations and making fast decisions.

Innovation Vouchers: Round 8 Deadline - 14th November 2024








Supporting Research & Development

We’re also keen to hear from technology start-ups and businesses that may have technology that can transfer to the dairy sector.

Innovation Brokers will help businesses in SW Scotland and Cumbria access funding, knowledge, research & development (R&D) facilities and expertise with the aim of increasing R&D activity.

If you would like to speak to an Innovation Broker please contact us.


R&D activity with a University can be funded by the business, or through a number of different funding grants or schemes.

An Innovation Broker can help you find the most appropriate way to begin working collaboratively with a University.  One option is the Digital Dairy Chain Innovation Voucher.

Digital Dairy Chain Innovation Vouchers

What is the purpose of the Innovation Vouchers?
To encourage partnerships between a business or start-up and a university for an innovation project.
What is the value of the Innovation Vouchers?

The innovation voucher will cover up to 50% of the total project cost.  A grant of up to £10,000 (covers the academic project costs and is paid directly to the university) provided the business contributes at least an equal value in cash or in-kind (such as staff time, materials or equipment) or a combination of both.

Please note that companies are responsible for reclaiming VAT from any funds received.

Who is eligible?

All SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises), social enterprises/third sector organisations and sole traders with main business operations in SW Scotland or Cumbria (subject to further due diligence checks.)

Please click here to find out if your location is within the project’s geographical region.

How many vouchers?

A business can apply for a Digital Dairy Chain Innovation Voucher to work on an innovation project with a University. (Consideration will be given to more than one Digital Dairy Chain Innovation Voucher if the project is on a different topic i.e. does not cover the same area of development as a previous application.)

What type of project?
Projects must be innovative (a novel/pioneering idea) and lead to new products, processes, or services that will benefit the business, the dairy industry, the academic institution and the SW Scotland or Cumbria economy.
Duration of the project?

The Digital Dairy Chain Innovation Vouchers are aimed at short projects that will help facilitate the business in the initial development of new products, processes or services.  So, this may be e.g. a feasibility study or proof of concept, which may then have the potential to lead to a larger project.

How to apply
Speak to an Innovation Broker to help you scope and develop your idea into a project. They will then help you find the right expertise in a University and assist in completing the application form.

Get Started

Find out if your location is within the project’s geographical region

Your Innovation Brokerage Team

Pauline Murray

Pauline Murray

Innovation Brokerage Project Manager

Having spent the last 20 years in project management I have significant experience of research, health and manufacturing projects within the higher education sector.

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Rachel Mirfattahi
Rachel Mirfattahi

Rachel Mirfattahi

Innovation Broker

I’m one of the Innovation Brokers for the Digital Dairy Chain and have come into this role with over 20 years’ experience working in and alongside the food manufacturing industry.

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The next Step

If you would like to speak to an Innovation Broker please contact us with your name, company, location and details of your enquiry.