Innovation Brokerage Application Process

Application Form

The application form has three sections.

  1. Company Details
  2. Project Summary Details
  3. Project Details

View and download the application form. The Innovation Broker will assist in completion.

Please note that companies are responsible for reclaiming VAT from any funds received.

Stages of application

  1. The business, innovation broker and academic partner will discuss the idea, scope out a project, check eligibility, discuss a contract and assess any risks.
  2. The business, innovation broker and academic partner complete the application form and sends to [email protected]
  3. Due diligence is done by the Innovation Brokerage Project Manager which may seek further clarification.
  4. The Innovation Brokerage Project Manager sends application to panel for review
  5. The panel assesses the application and approve, improve or reject
  6. The Innovation Brokerage Project Manager communicates the decision by email to the business, innovation broker and academic partner
  7. A Contract is put in place between the academic partner and business ahead of the collaborative project commencing.
  8. Delivery of the project
  9. A final report including potential next steps is produced by the academic partner on completion of the project and sends to [email protected]
  10. On acceptance of the final report the University of Strathclyde makes payment to the academic partner.
  11. A case study may be developed and/or other impact evaluation undertaken.

Application Review Criteria

  1. Challenge for business
  2. Challenge for industry
  3. Innovative solution
  4. Project Monitoring
  5. Potential for New Product/ New Process/New Service
  6. Potential impact of solution to business
  7. Potential impact of solution to industry
  8. Potential economic impact of solution to region
  9. Potential social impact of solution to region
  10. Potential environmental impact of solution to region

Digital Dairy Costings

All costs that contribute to the Full Economic Costing of the proposal shall be included, so long as they fall within the guidelines below.

All costs shall be based on TRAC (for HEI’s) or similar validated project costing methodologies (for other Research Organisations) and entered under one of the following cost headings:

Directly Allocated

These are the costs of an Organisation’s research resources that will be charged to the project on the basis of estimated use, rather than actual costs. They include:


Proposals will need to show the costs of the Principal/Supervisory Investigator and any other staff whose time charged to the project will be based on estimates rather than actual costs.


These costs may include building and premises costs, basic services and utilities, and equipment maintenance not already included under other cost headings.

Other Directly Allocated

These costs must be applied by using one of the following four headings: 1. costs of pooled staff, 2. usage costs of research facilities, 3. central & distributed computing and 4. charge out rates for shared equipment.

Directly Incurred

These are costs that are specific to a project that can be charged as the cash value actually spent. The costs are supported by an audit record. They include:


Payroll costs requested for staff, full or part-time, who will work directly on the project and whose time can be supported by a full audit trail during the life of the project.

Travel and Subsistence

Funds for travel and subsistence

Other costs

Costs of other items dedicated to the project, including consumables but not no purchasing of IT equipment

Indirect Costs

These include non-specific costs charged across all projects based on estimates that are not otherwise included as Directly Allocated costs.

Innovation Voucher Score Sheet

Does not meet requirementsPartially meets requirementsMeets requirementsExceeds requirements
Challenge for businessThe application does not describe a challenge for the businessThe application describes an infrequent challenge that only occurs on certain circumstances for the businessThe application describes a regular challenge for the businessThe application describes a permanent challenge for the business
Challenge for industryThe application does not describe a challenge for the industryThe application describes an infrequent challenge that only occurs on certain circumstances for the industryThe application describes a regular challenge for the industryThe application describes a permanent challenge for the industry
Innovative solutionThe proposed solution is not new/novel/pioneeringThe proposed solution is partially new/novel/pioneeringThe proposed solution is new/novel/pioneeringThe proposed solution is extremely new/novel/pioneering
Project MonitoringNo baseline project plan createdBaseline project plan included with costingsFull project plan including milestones,deliverables and costingsFull project plan including milestones, deliverables, costings and potential future opportunities/levergaged funding identified
Potential for New Product/ New Process/ New ServiceThe project has no evidence to suggest a potential lead to a new product, process or serviceThe project has the potential to lead to a new product, process or service but there may be similar currently availableThe project has the potential to lead to a new product, process or serviceThe project has very strong potential to lead to a pioneering product, process or service
Potential impact of solution to businessThe project has no evidence to show potential impact of solution to businessThe project has the potential to only partially solve the challenge, or be the first stage in partially solving the challenge and therefore may have little impact to the businessThe project has the potential to solve the challenge, or be the first stage in solving the challenge and therefore will impact the businessThe project has the potential to solve more than just the challenge, and will impact positively on other areas of the business too
Potential impact of solution to industryThe project has no evidence to show potential impact of solution to industryThe project has the potential to only partially solve the challenge, or be the first stage in partially solving the challenge and therefore may have little impact to industryThe project has the potential to solve the challenge, or be the first stage in solving the challenge and therefore will impact industryThe project has the potential to solve a wide spread industry problem, not just in region, but in the UK and possibly globally
Potential economic impact of solution to regionThe project has no evidence to show potential economic impact of solution to regionThe project shows it will have partial potential economic impact to regionThe project shows it will have potential economic impact to regionThe project shows it will have great potential economic impact not just in region, but in the UK and possibly globally
Potential social impact of solution to region The project has no evidence to show potential social impact of solution to regionThe project shows it will have partial potential social impact to regionThe project shows it will have potential social impact to regionThe project shows it will have great potential social impact not just in region, but in the UK and possibly globally
Potential environmental impact of solution to regionThe project has no evidence to show potential environmental impact of solution to regionThe project shows it will have partial potential environmental impact to regionThe project shows it will have potential environmental impact to regionThe project shows it will have great potential environmental impact not just in region, but in the UK and possibly globally

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